Meet Daniel Burch

Daniel J. Burch, MAI holds a finance degree from the University of Tennessee with 15 years of appraisal experience and over 2,000 completed appraisals from Middle to East Tennessee valuing well over $2 billion dollars. In 2015, he launched Burch Appraisal Group to provide modern appraisal and evaluation products in the East Tennessee market. His experience includes the valuation of retail, office, industrial, self-storage, hospitality, convenience stores, residential subdivisions, PUD developments, utility easements, and eminent domain acquisitions. In his free time, Daniel enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and camping in the beautiful mountains and valleys of East Tennessee and North Carolina.

He served six years in the Marine Corps Reserves as an artillery cannoneer with Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment in Chattanooga, TN and was honorably discharged as a sergeant. Mike Battery had the honor of being selected to provide indirect fire support for Operation Phantom Fury (the Second Battle of Fallujah) from November to December 2004 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Mike Battery fired over 3,000 artillery rounds in support of ground forces and in defense of Camp Fallujah during their deployment.

Daniel Burch has completed the rigorous education and experience requirements of the MAI Designation from the Appraisal Institute. This includes the passing of a two-day comprehensive examination, demonstration appraisal report and a peer reviewed specialized experience requirement. The MAI Designation has long been recognized by courts of law, government agencies, financial institutions, and investors as the mark of excellence in the field of real estate valuation and analysis.


Our Service Area

The Burch Appraisal Group service area covers almost the entirety of Central to East Tennessee.




I was hired to provide a third party review of your appraisal. First, I would like to say that it was a pleasure to review your report. You clearly demonstrate pride and quality in your work product, and I certainly look forward to meeting you sometime in the future.

Good report with clear reporting format and sound analysis.

Thanks!!! You are one of very few I can count on.

Thank you for providing an excellent product. Best I’ve seen in a long time. I’m signing off on it, so there are no requested changes. Overall, the report was truly exceptional. I’m saving it as an example of excellence. I hope to see much more of your work in the future.

Awesome report! You will definitely get more assignments from us!

I saw the appraisal. Great looking report. Thanks for getting it quickly.

You are AWESOME!!!! Thank you! We like ‘early’ deliveries.